Tips for SUCCESSFUL PhD Application

After taking feedback from many reputed university professors of UK, USA, Canada and Germany who look at hundreds of applications every year, we have tried to put together some tips for successful PhD Application

Tips for successful PhD application

Tips for successful PhD application

After taking feedback from many reputed university professors of UK, USA, Canada and Germany who look at hundreds of applications every year, we have tried to put together tips for successful PhD application. The most obvious thing professors want is a decent academic record as this shows a level of intelligence, ability to work, to learn and to deliver. Most applicants these days will have first-class degrees, but when it comes to submitting a PhD application, professors could not emphasize enough how important it is that a PhD application sounds specific and directed to the concerned program/position. And what professors do not like for sure is an application that is too generic. Show that you know to who and where you are applying to. Get everything right! Show that you know your stuff and that you have read up on their work.

Clearly express your reasons for pursuing a PhD

It’s important to be really honest with yourself and with the admission committee about why you want to do a PhD in the first place. Do you love being in the lab and want the chance to work on an exciting project with other researchers? Are you passionate about pursuing a full-time career in academia? Many students are initially interested in pursuing a Ph.D. because they want to become a professor. However, a doctoral degree opens your doors to a variety of careers and prepares you for numerous exciting jobs which are very-well paid. Think carefully about why you want to do a PhD and let that enthusiasm shine through in your application. This is one of the most important tips for successful PhD application which lays the foundation of your entire process.

Also Read: Career Opportunities after PhD Abroad

Define your interests 

Once you’ve decided that a Ph.D. is the right step for you, you need to identify places where you see a strong fit—essentially meaning that your research interests and goals line up closely with those of the program and your future mentor or mentors. The first step on that road is to nail down your own interests. Think about the topics, courses, projects, and experiences that pique your curiosity enough to spend a half-decade or more studying them. Your interests will likely evolve over time, but defining them now will serve as a compass guiding you in the right direction. Moreover, without defined research interests, it is nearly impossible to write a targeted cover letter or statement of purpose. So, you must be sure about your research interest if you want to submit a strong application. If you are struggling to determine your research interest then read our article on “How to develop your research ideas for PhD”.

Make sure your cover letter or SOP is targeted and enthusiastic

This, again, is one of the most important tips for successful PhD application. Cover letters or SOP can be very difficult to write…but they can be equally as difficult to read for assessors if they’re not targeted effectively and positively. Before you start writing your SOP or cover letter for the PhD program you are applying to, it is highly recommended that you spend time looking into the published research of the faculty of that program. If you’re applying for a PhD in a specific group, then make sure you’ve done all of the necessary research into what that professor is working on. Make sure that your enthusiasm for your subject and their research comes across in your cover letter or SOP. You can then target your letter around that and make relevant connections to your own enthusiasm for the project. This exercise will help you write excellent targeted SOPs which will make your application stand out and increase your chances of getting selected.

Make your application stand out

Many programs receive more applicants with stellar grades and test scores than they can admit. Therefore, top applicants set themselves apart by putting great care and attention into all the other elements of the application package. This includes a thoughtful description of their research experiences, a carefully crafted statement of their current interests, and personalized reference letters. In some fields, applications may even include samples of your work or publications. So, stay organized and give yourself enough time to carefully craft every part of the application.

Tailor your CV carefully

As we’ve already hinted, professors who select PhD interview candidates have a lot of applications to get through. That means reading hundreds of cover letters and CVs in the limited time they have available. So, what can you do to stand out?

Make sure your CV has been carefully tailored so that the key information you want to get across is on the front page. This advice goes for any kind of job application, whether academic or industrial. Highlight your key achievements (such as prizes, journal papers etc.) on the first page of your CV, because the changes are that an assessor won’t see them if they’re hidden away on page five. 

It’s also a good idea to show your CV to someone else, just in case they notice any mistakes that you didn’t pick up on or can give you any further advice.

Make the research statement shine

Perhaps the most important element of the application is the research statement. Faculty members use the statement to get a sense of your writing ability, passion for the field, research experience, intellectual potential, and fit with the program. Your goal is to show that you are a deep thinker who is ready to become a scientist. Read some of the papers your potential advisers have published, think critically about them, and offer specific ideas for extending the work in new directions. Look at sample statements from graduate students in your field. Ask for feedback from as many relevant people as possible, including graduate students and faculty members in the field (not your roommate or your parents). It may feel tedious, but the practice of writing and rewriting is one of the most essential skills you will hone in graduate school.

Also Read: Tips to Write Awesome Research Proposal

Ask for reference letters early 

Request reference letters at least a month before the first deadline. Try to get letters from professors who know you well and are connected to your field. Ask whether they can write a strong letter on your behalf. If a professor is reluctant to write you such a letter, they may have some reservations that could sink your chances, so don’t push it—try to find another letter writer. Give them all the information they need to write a strong letter, including: the deadlines and (e)mailing address for all your programs, a copy of your CV and research statement, and a few bullet points highlighting your work for them. These materials will help refresh their memory about all you accomplished under their guidance. Ask whether they need anything else. For more information read our article on “How to Select Referees for PhD Application”.

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Congratulations to our client Swapnika for receving PhD Offer at the Washington State University in the USA for PhD in Food Science. She has also received full funding for the entire duration of her PhD studies.

The student is enrolled with us in our Exclusive package and we provided best possible mentorship.

To know about our PhD Consulatation services, visit or contact 8383050912.

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Congratulations to our student Shilpa for receiving PhD Offer at the University of California, Berkeley in the USA for PhD in Astrophysics. She has also received full funding for the entire duration of her studies.

The student is enrolled with us in our Exclusive package and we provided best possible mentorship.

To know about our PhD Consultation services, visit or contact 8383050912.

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Congratulations to our student Yatin for receiving Offer at the INSEAD for Masters in Managament.

The student is enrolled with us in our Oxbridge Application package and we provided best possible mentorship.

To know about our Consultation services, visit or contact 8383050912.

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Testimonial by our PhD Consultation Student Neelam. She got fully-funded PhD at the University of Oxford in the UK for PhD Program in the field of Biology.

Funding Status: Fully Funded

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Congratulations to our client Neelam for receiving PhD Offer at the University of Oxford in the UK for DPhil in Oncology. She has also received full funding for the entire duration of her studies.

The student is enrolled with us in our Exclusive package and we provided best possible mentorship.

To know about our PhD Consultation services, visit or contact 8383050912.

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Testimonial by our PhD Consultation Student Meghna. She got fully-funded PhD at the University of Cambridge in the UK for PhD Program in Clinical Biochemistry.

Funding Status: Fully Funded (Full tuition fee scholarship + Generous stipend to cover living cost + NHS Health Insurance Fee).

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Congratulations to our client Meghna for receving PhD Offer at the University of Cambridge in the UK for PhD in Clinical Biochemistry. She has also received full funding of about £60,000 per year (approx Rs 60 lakhs) for the entire duration of her PhD studies.

The student is enrolled with us in our Exclusive package and we provided best possible mentorship.

To know about our PhD Consulatation services, visit or contact 8383050912.

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Congratulations to our client Dissa for receving PhD Offer at the Stony Brook University in the USA for PhD in Chemistry. She has also received full funding of about $55,000 per year (approx Rs 50 lakhs per year) for the entire duration of her PhD studies.

The student is enrolled with us in our Exclusive package and we provided best possible mentorship.

To know about our PhD Consulatation services, visit or contact 8383050912.

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Congratulations to our student Dissa for receving fully-funded PhD Offer at the Stony Brook University in the USA for fully-funded PhD in Chemistry. Her tuition fee will be paid by the program and she will also get a generous stipend to pay for her living expenses. The funding is guaranteed for the entire duration of the program i.e. 4-5 years.

The student is enrolled with us in our Exclusive package and we provided best possible mentorship.

To know about our PhD Consulatation services, visit or contact 8383050912.

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Congratulations to our student for receving interview offer for fully-funded PhD at Penn State University in the USA for fully-funded PhD in Chemistry.

The student is enrolled with us in our Exclusive package and we provided best possible mentorship.

To know about our PhD Consulatation services, visit or contact 8383050912.

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Congratulations to our client Meghna for receving PhD Offer at the University of Cambridge in the UK for PhD in Clinical Biochemistry. She has also received full funding of about £60,000 per year (approx Rs 60 lakhs) for the entire duration of her PhD studies.

The student is enrolled with us in our Exclusive package and we provided best possible mentorship.

To know about our PhD Consulatation services, visit or contact 8383050912.

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Congratulations to our client Meghna for receving PhD Offer at the University of Cambridge in the UK for PhD in Clinical Biochemistry. She has also received full funding of about £60,000 per year (approx Rs 60 lakhs) for the entire duration of her PhD studies.

The student is enrolled with us in our Exclusive package and we provided best possible mentorship.

To know about our PhD Consulatation services, visit or contact 8383050912.

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Congratulations to our client Jayabhushan Praneeth for receving PhD Offer at the Kennesaw State University in the USA for PhD in Business Administration (Artificial Intelligence, IS). He has also received funding assistance in the form of Research & Teaching Assistant.

The student is enrolled with us in our Exclusive package and we provided best possible mentorship.

To know about our PhD Consulatation services, visit or contact 8383050912.

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Congratulations to our client Jayabhushan Praneeth for receving PhD Offer at the Kennesaw State University in the USA for PhD in Business Administration (Artificial Intelligence, IS). He has also received funding assistance in the form of Research & Teaching Assistant.

The student is enrolled with us in our Exclusive package and we provided best possible mentorship.

To know about our PhD Consulatation services, visit or contact 8383050912.

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Testimonial by our PhD Consultation Student Isha. She got fully-funded PhD at the University of Galway in the Ireland for PhD Program in Microbiology

Funding Status: Fully Funded (Full tuition fee scholarship + Generous stipend to cover living cost).

To know about our services visit

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Congratulations to our student Neelam for receving offer letter for fully-funded PhD at the University of Oxford in the UK. The funding is guaranteed for the entire duration of the program i.e. 3-4 years.

The student is enrolled with us in our Exclusive package and we provided best possible mentorship.

To know about our PhD Consulatation services, visit or contact 8383050912.

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Testimonial by our PhD Consultation Student. She got fully-funded PhD at Stony Brook University in the USA for PhD Program in Chemistry.

Funding Status: Fully Funded (Full tuition fee scholarship + Generous stipend to cover living cost).

To know about our services visit

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Congratulations to our student Dissa for receving fully-funded PhD Offer at the Stony Brook University in the USA for fully-funded PhD in Chemistry. Her tuition fee will be paid by the program and she will also get a generous stipend to pay for her living expenses. The funding is guaranteed for the entire duration of the program i.e. 4-5 years.

The student is enrolled with us in our Exclusive package and we provided best possible mentorship.

To know about our PhD Consulatation services, visit or contact 8383050912.

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Lalita K.
Lalita K.
1 year ago

Hi. I want to apply to the UK and I want to get my documents reviewed by you. After reading this article I feel that my SOP and research proposal are not as good as they should be. Can you help me?

Jasmeet Kaur
Jasmeet Kaur
1 year ago

I am confused whether my referee will give me a good LOR. What should I do?

Akshay Rajput
Akshay Rajput
1 year ago

I want to do PhD in cancer biology but I am not sure which specific sub stream. Should I narrow down my interest further or is it not required?

Atishi Singh
Atishi Singh
1 year ago


Last year I applied to 15 universities in the US and I got rejected by all. I have high GPA and good research experience but still did not get success. I did not know that SOP has to be so specific as I had no guidance. Maybe this was the mistake I made. Can you help?

Keywords: Fully-funded PhD abroad, PhD abroad, PhD in UK, Benefits of PhD, PhD in USA, Benefits of PhD abroad, PhD in Canada, PhD funding abroad, PhD in Ireland, PhD in Australia, PhD in Europe, PhD in Singapore, PhD in Germany, PhD in Switzerland, PhD consultation

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