Latest PhD Positions

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Welcome to our dedicated page for latest PhD positions all over the world! On this page, you will find information about all the latest PhD positions across a diverse range of disciplines in different countries. With this page, we aim to bring verified fully-funded PhD positions to you, so that you are always up to date and never miss any position. Please visit webpage everyday to see what’s new.

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What Students Say

When I took the Ph.D. consultancy services of Road to Abroad, Sriyash Sir was himself a Ph.D. student. Under his guidance, I managed to secure a place in a fully-funded Ph.D. Program called Zurich Graduate School (ETH Zurich). And now I am working in a leading pharma company in Europe. I strongly recommend Road to Abroad to all PhD aspirants.
Dr. Ashish Dixit, PhD

Project Head - Drug Design, Roche Pharma, Switzerland

The Ph.D. consultancy team of Road to Abroad is very helpful, friendly, and productive. They suggested to me a lot of amazing options for doctoral studies in the USA and guided me to secure the funding. In the beginning, I was not sure if I can get into such a reputed university, but Sriyash sir made it possible. Great experience and transparent services.
Jahanvi Bahl

PhD Student - English Literature, University of Iowa, USA

With the help of Sriyash sir, I secured a fully-funded Ph.D. position at the University of Cambridge (MRC-LMB Lab). He also trained me for the interview and gave a lot of tips and tricks. He reviewed my documents so many times to makes sure everything was perfect. Consider yourself lucky if Sriyash sir handles your profile at Road to Abroad.
Dr. Jasleen Kaur, PhD

Quality Control Manager, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), London, UK

Initially, I was quite negative about finding a funded Ph.D. position in Australia as I did not have any publications after MSc. But, Road to Abroad worked hard to look for suitable funded options and helped me craft a strong application. Not only I got the position but also received funding for tuition fees and living cost. They also took care of my visa, great services.
Sumit Jain

PhD Student - Data Science, University of Melbourne, Australia

Our PhD Consultation

If you need help in applying to a PhD position, check out our PhD Consultation Services

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