What’re the Benefits of PhD Abroad?

by Dr. Sriyash Mangal

Benefits of PhD Abroad

Benefits of PhD Abroad: While there are many different ways to gain a “global perspective”, doing your PhD studies abroad will bring you a research and cultural experience which goes beyond that of a short field trip. Besides, there are so many other benefits of PhD abroad, from both a career and a personal development standpoint, that make it worth considering. It opens up doors to countless opportunities at prestigious institutions which have excellent infrastructure, access to latest technologies and sufficient funding to cover tuition fees and living cost.Some of the benefits of PhD abroad are: 

More Research Opportunities

This is one of the top benefits of PhD abroad. The universities in foreign countries like USA, UK, Germany, Canada and Australia carry out substantially more research than Indian universities. These universities have a very high research budget which cannot be matched by Indian universities ever. More research means more opportunities for prospective PhD students. It also means that you are very likely to find a professor whose research interest matches to that of yours.

Access to Latest Technology & State of the Art Infrastructure

The universities in Europe, USA, UK, Canada, Australia and other western countries rapidly upgrade their infrastructure. Not only they adopt the latest technologies as soon as they become available, they allow PhD students to use them for their projects. While working at universities abroad, your research will never be restricted by unavailability of resources or technology. The only limiting factor will be your own creativity and ideas. If the intellectual freedom and excitement to explore are the main driving factors for your motivation to do doctoral studies, then this is one of the major benefits of PhD abroad that you can’t ignore.

Also Read: Eligibility Criteria for PhD Abroad

Get a Chance to Work with Brilliant Minds

People doing PhD/ Postdoc abroad are extremely motivated and self-driven. They spend a lot of time to update themselves about the latest developments and meticulously develop their own research ideas. These people usually have excellent grip on their research methods and are always willing to teach and spread their knowledge to others in the laboratory/ department. Therefore, you learn a lot from such brilliant colleagues.

Better Funding Opportunities

It may be significantly cheaper to do your PhD abroad than what you think. Tuition fees vary widely across the world for doctoral degrees. For example, PhD students in Germany and Sweden are not required to pay tuition fees. In fact, many European countries (including France, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands, and Norway) consider PhD students as employees and pay them a monthly stipend. Similarly, in the US or UK, tuition fee waivers and stipends are also available. In addition, you can apply for certain scholarships from your home country or in your destination country and teaching/ research assistantship at the university. In comparison, PhD students in India either do not get any stipend or when a stipend is given the mount is quite less. Overall, it is quite possible to find a fully-funded PhD position abroad and even save significant sums of money by the time you complete your PhD

Make International Network of Contacts

When you conduct your doctoral research abroad, you get a chance to work with other international PhD students, post-doctoral fellows, support staff of technicians, graduate students and professors. In addition, you get a chance to present your work at international conferences which brings you in touch with people working in your field in academic and industry. As a result, you build a strong rapport with these highly resourceful people of different nationalities. This helps you to get a job or post-doctoral fellowship quickly in any nation soon after you complete your PhD.

Also Read: Career Opportunities After PhD

Soft Skills Training

While doing a PhD abroad you achieve advanced level in certain soft skills such as academic writing, communication skills, analytical ability & logical reasoning, troubleshooting/ problem-solving, workflow optimizations, etc. Doing a PhD abroad is evidence of your passion, flexibility, and willingness to adapt to new systems and people – key skills that universities and employers seek out.

Shorter Time to Degree

Unlike India, where there is no fixed timeline to complete a PhD and it is common that students take 5-7 years to complete a PhD, foreign countries are quite particular about finishing your doctoral research in a defined timeframe. For example, in UK it is compulsory to submit your PhD thesis within 3-4 years. Although, other European countries do not impose hard deadlines, they expect students to complete the doctoral research in 4-5 years. In North America, especially the USA, average time to complete a PhD is approximately 5 years. Universities in these countries have proper mechanisms to ensure timely completion of doctoral research. So, if you will do a PhD from abroad, it is highly likely that you will graduate on time.

Build Good Publication Record

At foreign universities, there is special emphasis on publishing review articles and primary research papers in international journals of high impact factor. Most PhD students have at least one publication in a reputed journal at their time of graduation. This is crucial for getting jobs or post-doctoral position in prestigious companies and research labs respectively. Although, many PhD students in India publish papers before they graduate, in most cases the journals are not of international repute. Therefore, if you want to build an impressive publication record, then you should seriously consider doing a PhD abroad.

Also Read: How to develop research idea for PhD Abroad

Experience a New Culture

Studying internationally will allow you to gain a global perspective. You’ll be exposed to new ideas, teaching styles and academic cultures. While living there, you will have an opportunity to visit new cities, and witness the authentic social culture and food. For example, the thrill and excitement of watching a football game in Europe is something you can never experience in India. You will find this unique experience very satisfying and educational.

We hope that this article has helped you to understand various benefits of PhD Abroad. It is clear that these benefits of PhD Abroad will take you much further in your career and in research as well. If you plan to apply for PhD positions abroad, then you must check out our PhD Consultation Services.

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Author Bio:

Dr. Sriyash Mangal
Ph.D. Cell biology from LMU Munich, Germany MSc Biomedical Sciences, University College London, UK Dr. Sriyash Mangal has been mentoring Ph.D. aspirants to secure fully-funded Ph.D. positions abroad for more than 5 years. He has lived in the UK and Europe for over 7 years and completed his higher studies with 100% scholarship. He is an expert in applying to highly competitive Ph.D. programs and scholarships/ fellowships. 
For more information regarding funding opportunities and PhD positions abroad, contact our team at Road to Abroad (+91 8383050912). For more general information about studying PhD in abroad in various countries like UK, USA, Australia, Germany, Switzerland, etc visit our PhD Consultation Page.

Congratulations to our student Shilpa for receiving PhD Offer at the University of California, Berkeley in the USA for PhD in Astrophysics. She has also received full funding for the entire duration of her studies.

The student is enrolled with us in our Exclusive package and we provided best possible mentorship.

To know about our PhD Consultation services, visit www.roadtoabroad.co.in or contact 8383050912.

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Congratulations to our student Yatin for receiving Offer at the INSEAD for Masters in Managament.

The student is enrolled with us in our Oxbridge Application package and we provided best possible mentorship.

To know about our Consultation services, visit www.roadtoabroad.co.in or contact 8383050912.

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Testimonial by our PhD Consultation Student Neelam. She got fully-funded PhD at the University of Oxford in the UK for PhD Program in the field of Biology.

Funding Status: Fully Funded

To know about our services visit www.roadtoabroad.co.in

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Congratulations to our client Neelam for receiving PhD Offer at the University of Oxford in the UK for DPhil in Oncology. She has also received full funding for the entire duration of her studies.

The student is enrolled with us in our Exclusive package and we provided best possible mentorship.

To know about our PhD Consultation services, visit www.roadtoabroad.co.in or contact 8383050912.

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Testimonial by our PhD Consultation Student Meghna. She got fully-funded PhD at the University of Cambridge in the UK for PhD Program in Clinical Biochemistry.

Funding Status: Fully Funded (Full tuition fee scholarship + Generous stipend to cover living cost + NHS Health Insurance Fee).

To know about our services visit www.roadtoabroad.co.in

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Congratulations to our client Meghna for receving PhD Offer at the University of Cambridge in the UK for PhD in Clinical Biochemistry. She has also received full funding of about £60,000 per year (approx Rs 60 lakhs) for the entire duration of her PhD studies.

The student is enrolled with us in our Exclusive package and we provided best possible mentorship.

To know about our PhD Consulatation services, visit www.roadtoabroad.co.in or contact 8383050912.

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Congratulations to our client Dissa for receving PhD Offer at the Stony Brook University in the USA for PhD in Chemistry. She has also received full funding of about $55,000 per year (approx Rs 50 lakhs per year) for the entire duration of her PhD studies.

The student is enrolled with us in our Exclusive package and we provided best possible mentorship.

To know about our PhD Consulatation services, visit www.roadtoabroad.co.in or contact 8383050912.

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Congratulations to our student Dissa for receving fully-funded PhD Offer at the Stony Brook University in the USA for fully-funded PhD in Chemistry. Her tuition fee will be paid by the program and she will also get a generous stipend to pay for her living expenses. The funding is guaranteed for the entire duration of the program i.e. 4-5 years.

The student is enrolled with us in our Exclusive package and we provided best possible mentorship.

To know about our PhD Consulatation services, visit www.roadtoabroad.co.in or contact 8383050912.

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Congratulations to our student for receving interview offer for fully-funded PhD at Penn State University in the USA for fully-funded PhD in Chemistry.

The student is enrolled with us in our Exclusive package and we provided best possible mentorship.

To know about our PhD Consulatation services, visit www.roadtoabroad.co.in or contact 8383050912.

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Congratulations to our client Meghna for receving PhD Offer at the University of Cambridge in the UK for PhD in Clinical Biochemistry. She has also received full funding of about £60,000 per year (approx Rs 60 lakhs) for the entire duration of her PhD studies.

The student is enrolled with us in our Exclusive package and we provided best possible mentorship.

To know about our PhD Consulatation services, visit www.roadtoabroad.co.in or contact 8383050912.

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Congratulations to our client Meghna for receving PhD Offer at the University of Cambridge in the UK for PhD in Clinical Biochemistry. She has also received full funding of about £60,000 per year (approx Rs 60 lakhs) for the entire duration of her PhD studies.

The student is enrolled with us in our Exclusive package and we provided best possible mentorship.

To know about our PhD Consulatation services, visit www.roadtoabroad.co.in or contact 8383050912.

#phdabroad #fullyfundedphd #fullyfundedprogram #fullyfundedphds #phdscholarship #phdscholarships #phdscholarshipsforinternationalstudents #phdscholarshipopportunities #studyabroad #scholarships #scholarship #phdinusa #studyinusa #phdconsultation #studyinswitzer #phdinswitzerland #phdinuk

Congratulations to our client Jayabhushan Praneeth for receving PhD Offer at the Kennesaw State University in the USA for PhD in Business Administration (Artificial Intelligence, IS). He has also received funding assistance in the form of Research & Teaching Assistant.

The student is enrolled with us in our Exclusive package and we provided best possible mentorship.

To know about our PhD Consulatation services, visit www.roadtoabroad.co.in or contact 8383050912.

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Congratulations to our client Jayabhushan Praneeth for receving PhD Offer at the Kennesaw State University in the USA for PhD in Business Administration (Artificial Intelligence, IS). He has also received funding assistance in the form of Research & Teaching Assistant.

The student is enrolled with us in our Exclusive package and we provided best possible mentorship.

To know about our PhD Consulatation services, visit www.roadtoabroad.co.in or contact 8383050912.

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Testimonial by our PhD Consultation Student Isha. She got fully-funded PhD at the University of Galway in the Ireland for PhD Program in Microbiology

Funding Status: Fully Funded (Full tuition fee scholarship + Generous stipend to cover living cost).

To know about our services visit www.roadtoabroad.co.in

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Congratulations to our student Neelam for receving offer letter for fully-funded PhD at the University of Oxford in the UK. The funding is guaranteed for the entire duration of the program i.e. 3-4 years.

The student is enrolled with us in our Exclusive package and we provided best possible mentorship.

To know about our PhD Consulatation services, visit www.roadtoabroad.co.in or contact 8383050912.

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Testimonial by our PhD Consultation Student. She got fully-funded PhD at Stony Brook University in the USA for PhD Program in Chemistry.

Funding Status: Fully Funded (Full tuition fee scholarship + Generous stipend to cover living cost).

To know about our services visit www.roadtoabroad.co.in

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Congratulations to our student Dissa for receving fully-funded PhD Offer at the Stony Brook University in the USA for fully-funded PhD in Chemistry. Her tuition fee will be paid by the program and she will also get a generous stipend to pay for her living expenses. The funding is guaranteed for the entire duration of the program i.e. 4-5 years.

The student is enrolled with us in our Exclusive package and we provided best possible mentorship.

To know about our PhD Consulatation services, visit www.roadtoabroad.co.in or contact 8383050912.

#phdabroad #fullyfundedphd #fullyfundedprogram #fullyfundedphds #phdscholarship #phdscholarships #phdscholarshipsforinternationalstudents #phdscholarshipopportunities #studyabroad #scholarships #scholarship #phdinusa #studyinusa #phdconsultation #studyinswitzer #phdinswitzerland

Congratulations to our student Vishakha for receving offer letter for fully-funded PhD at Monash University in Australia. The funding is guaranteed for the entire duration of the program i.e. 4 years.

The student is enrolled with us in our Exclusive package and we provided best possible mentorship.

To know about our PhD Consulatation services, visit www.roadtoabroad.co.in or contact 8383050912.

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Shilpa Dhameja
Shilpa Dhameja
3 years ago

You have mentioned that there are better funding opportunities. Which country should I apply to get 100% scholarship for PhD in computer science?

3 years ago

Sir, it is really nice to see that someone of your credential is mentoring PhD students. I am still thinking about whether I should do a Phd or not. If I decided to apply for PhD, can I go through you?

Ashima kalra
Ashima kalra
2 years ago

I am already pursuing PhD in India. After reading this blog, I am tempted to apply abroad and quit my current position. What do you suggest?

2 years ago

can I really get 100% scholarship in USA? Why would they give me money to do my studies?

Keywords: Fully-funded PhD abroad, PhD abroad, PhD in UK, Benefits of PhD, PhD in USA, Benefits of PhD abroad, PhD in Canada, PhD funding abroad, PhD in Ireland, PhD in Australia, PhD in Europe, PhD in Singapore, PhD in Germany, PhD in Switzerland, PhD consultation

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